Discover • Integrate • Evolve




The first time I heard the word, “Amomati”, it rolled off my teacher’s tongue and grabbed me at the heart of my being. It was about sound resonance not syntax or words. I took a moment, to write down my immediate thoughts in my daily journal during the intensive retreat.

Amo in Spanish refers to Love (amor). And mati felt like a reference to the Egyptian god Ma’at (justice/balance/harmony) and also the translations of Mati in Sanskrit (spiritual thought) and the Persian language (obedient). My felt sense at the moment was that I could show my devotion to LOVE through courage, dedication, and discipline.

I came later to understand that Amomati is a classical Nahuatl word that translates to mean, the "no-mind" state.  The Toltec and Mexikah oral teachings are about shifting your vision to access different perceptual states.  Amomati is the fourth level (Black Eagle) that allows an individual to access the ultimate state of clear perception.  In Buddhism, the studies of Dzogchen point to the same perception:  the state of awareness that is primordial and pure (emptiness).  Emptiness has no obscurations whatsoever, nor by our emotions, nor by our thoughts. 

This one word brings together the focus and practices of many indigenous and ancient cultures that I have dedicated my heart to.  With the intention to evolve my self and be of service to the planet, our world, and others on their spiritual path. 


After two decades of private practice, I came to the realization that the best way to serve our world is through knowledge. The age-old saying goes that “knowledge is power”. If we are to be self-empowered, we must work to understand the unconscious patterns that drive our response or reaction to what we perceive to be outside of us. These unconscious patterns affect the very fabric that weaves our lives and relationships.

In 2015, I committed to Co-Produce a documentary film, Is Your Story Making You Sick?. The film is about the value of meditation, mindfulness, shadow work, narrative therapy, and narrative medicine to create a new story that brings meaning to our lives. The stories we tell ourselves can be toxic. We need the tools to free ourselves from dysfunctional patterns that no longer serve us. My sincere hope is that this documentary film provides individuals battling with trauma, addiction, PTSD, depression, and anxiety the inspiration to live their lives more fully and liberate their hearts.

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Witnessing consciousness is at the heart of change. In order to witness our consciousness, we have to make a deliberate choice to place our intention and attention on expanding and varying levels of awareness. This ongoing process creates the discipline to take the right action, in any given situation. My sincere efforts are to be of service to you by supporting you on your journey to expand this perceptual awareness in all wisdom centers of your body. The meta-disciplinary approaches I take with my clients are to meet them where they are at any given moment and move them towards their own personal power, conscious evolution, and optimal health. The holistic philosophies incorporated into my work transfer into the home or work environment. From the beach to the board room. I have learned through my own personal journey that any obstacle can be overcome, but it takes tremendous courage and personal accountability. I approach every client with the utmost reverence, respect, and empathy. To learn more, please see my bio and services page.


My personal inner work and immersive experiences have been influenced by Buddhism (Dzogchen)/Bon Po (Oriental) Shamanism, the Meso-Mayan-Aztec, Olmecs-Zapotec-Mexikah-Toltec (Nagualism/Curandismo) lineages, African Dogon and First Nations tribes (Apache/Yaqui/Navajo/Lakota). I am deeply humbled by the many ancient cultures that have influenced my life's journey.  Many teachers, symbols (sigils), books and universal synchronicities pointed me back to it over and over again.  It has been The Warriors Way and a humbling journey on the path with heart.  My life’s work is dedicated to heart-based and soul based-consciousness. We are multidimensional beings existing in a large and wild universe!





There is no greater retreat than coming home to our heart.  I invite you into your own garden to access what needs removing and what seeds need to be planted.  In our quest to liberate our hearts, we must be the gardener to our own divinity.  We cannot control everything that happens to us, but we can change things in our lives that are unacceptable.  During your time with me, you will explore all the ways in which you can live a more expansive and creative life.  Standing in your own personal power will require great integrity and unshakeable ethics. Together we will explore your internal compass, so that you can return to it over and over again.  In this way, your full potential will flower and liberate your hearts knowing.