
Integral Narrative Therapy and Spiritual Counseling

This session involves meeting you where you are in the moment. If there are patterns in your life that are continually rehashing over and over again, we will begin the process of breaking down these patterns to provide you more clarity. Spiritual and shamanic practices of de-armoring and shadow work will be utilized throughout the entire session to increase your awareness and personal development. This approach is a meta-disciplinary methodology to educate you on various forms of trauma and how it affects your physiology and the many systems of the body. The goal is to direct you back to your own innate wisdom and personal power. I disclose here that I am not a psychologist or licensed counselor. If you are seeking this type of talk therapy, I know several quality professionals I can refer you to.


Dreamwork - Embracing the Unconscious

A dreamwork session is about working with your dreams. Dreams are metaphorical representations of what's going on internally. The metaphors that we dream in - use things that we are familiar with - as forms of expression, such as what we've seen, heard, felt, smelt, and tasted in life. Dreams can be metaphors of what's going on physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Nightmares are often an unknown gift of healing during the night. In this session, we will combine an ethics based approach to working with your dreams and examining them deeply and intuitively, together. Several dream techniques are incorporated into this session to support you in feeling empowered by your dreams. Homework is given to all clients to support their dreaming process, integration and conscious evolution.


Conscious Leadership through Human Development

These private sessions were created for the mindful leader looking to increase more self-awareness personally and professionally. A meta-disciplinary approach is applied in order to take a more holistic view of patterns that keep an individual from fully thriving and empowering themselves into the leaders they are meant to be. During a session, we will focus on determining unconscious patterns, strengthening interpersonal and mindful communication skills. Together, we will co-create a plan to support the honing of these skills long term.

Mentors: Dan Goleman | Fred Kofman | Robert Kegan


Creating Conscious Culture - Business Consultations

This in-depth consultation supports business owners who are engaged in improving work culture by infusing their environments with practices that support sustainability and accountability. Meta-disciplinary methods that incorporate educating those within the system are part of the process. Together, we will take a triple-bottom line approach to your business by working on co-creating training programs and organizational systems that support the entire system. Individuals working for businesses are the solutions, not the problems to be managed. I work with a team of other consultants and networks that support efforts in making business systems conscious, ethical, efficient and impactful. Consultations and training programs are customized to accommodate any business industry.

Influencers: Janice Marturano | Maria Gonzalez | Dan Goleman| Fred Kofman|Peter Levine| Kim Scott |Robert Kegan


Somatic Experiencing® and Integral Bodywork

Somatic Experiencing® is a potent psychobiological and neurobiological intervention for resolving trauma symptoms and relieving chronic stress. It is a body-centered approach to help reset the nervous system, restore inner balance, enhance resilience to stress, and increase an individual’s capacity to engage in life.

Integral Bodywork (Somatic Touch) is an interdisciplinary and body-centered therapy that looks at the connection of mind and body and uses both narrative and physical therapies for holistic healing. Breath, meditation, and somatic awareness are incorporated to support the client into a state of presence, that births insight. The client is guided using Eastern and Mexicah (Aztec/Toltec) shamanic practices. Sessions are informed by a high level of ethics and somatic mindfulness.


Lucid Dreaming and Living Education

A lucid dream is a dream where you come to know you are dreaming, within a dream. Becoming conscious in a dream requires practice and discipline. Although dreams can be perplexing and even frightening at times, they are vital for our emotional health as human beings. Lucid dreaming can assist with emotional healing by helping you correct some of the subconscious and repetitive patterns that have been knotted in your mind, body, heart and life. The mere act of using the time we are sleeping to heal has been scientifically proven. This consultation is intented for those dreamers or dreamwalkers hoping to enrich their lives. Methods taught during a session come from spiritual practices I have been taught via Tibetan Shamanism (Bon-Po), Dzogchen (Dream Yoga), Yaqui Dreaming, Mexikah, Toltec and Mayan methods.


Mindfulness Executive Consultation

The goal in this session is to define methods that support emotional competencies and practical application, through the lens of ethics based mindfulness. This consultation involves coaching you in what mindfulness is and the strategies that support you in the work environment. This process is about leading, from the inside out. You will learn to cultivate focus, clarity, creativity, and compassion. You will be working on yourself with the intention to self-actualize, impact change and lead others.

Influencers: Janice Marturan | Maria Gonzalez | Shinzen Young|Dan Goleman | Kim Scott | Fred Kofman |Robert Kegan


Intensive Healing Retreats

Warrior of the Heart™ and Wisdom of the Heart™

The emphasis of these intensive retreats is focused on the three wisdom centers. This is a group intensive for no more than three women or men. The goal of the work is to support a dramatic shift in awareness that begins the process of healing and integration. It is an experiential intensive immersed in ceremony and nature. The process is always customized to support each woman/man, individually, and in group form. As I receive requests for these retreats, men and women are grouped together to create the greatest catalyst for transformation. Retreat locations are chosen based on your needs and budget. A selection of private locations have been chosen where the quality of food and surrounding environment will support our work together. Other practitioners may be involved in these intensives, to better support your own evolution and healing. Pre-requisite: you must be a client I have worked with for 6 months to one year (varies by individual) in order to participate in these retreats.

Individual or small groups of three. One to three days available.